In our society, arts and social sciences courses have been looked down over the years. Many believe that there is no point in pursuing liberal arts because there are no money in that course. Parents argue that there are no viable careers for humanities majors. Students taking these courses are being discriminated. We are often compared to other strand, and we always feel their superiority to us. But, it needs to stop.
As a HUMSS Student, I believe that this stigma needs to be addressed. Humanities and Social Science had lots of interesting and awesome things to offers. It covers a broad field of interests and you will be shocked with the knowledge and wisdom you will learn from this course. The students who are enrolled in their courses are a mix of people— from debaters to Shakespeare fans, writers to aspiring film makers, outspoken activists to people who just want to understand humanity better. These different personalities are what give the humanities and social sciences their color and vibrancy; thus, not everyone is necessarily “good with people” or “argumentative.”
As the future of our nation, it is important to identify the different weaknesses and problems that the society faces, and how to addressed it. This track gives us a clear insight how to solve this problems and how to become a better citizen of the nation. So what are you waiting for? Don't hesitate and take the HUMSS Strand now!
How to Improve your Reading Comprehension?
Did you know that the Philippines scored the lowest among 79 countries in reading comprehension in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment? Well, I am pretty disappointed, but not surprised at all. Most students think that they can read wisely. But lots of students don’t really understand what they read. This is where Reading Comprehension enters.
Reading Comprehension is the understanding the meaning of a particular text and the ideas the author wants to convey. All subjects, or even tests and exams requires good reading comprehension. In this article, I will explain to you some tips on how to improve your reading comprehension and to gain deeper understanding on what you are reading.
Simply, I will teach you the TEACH Method. The acronym “TEACH” is necessary for improving one’s reading comprehension. It stands for Topic, Exercises, Assess, Collaborate, and Help.
T is for Topic Knowing the topic of the text is an important step to improve your reading comprehension. It helps you to be prepared on what are you going to expect on the text you are reading. It helps you to gain deeper understanding on the central idea that the author wants to show.
E is for Exercise You must exercise your skills by reading and answering the comprehension tests that books or even internet has to offer. It helps you to be more focused and concentrated while practicing your skills at the same time.
A is for Assess Measuring your skills isn’t a bad idea. It clearly helps you to see the improvements you are making every step of the way. It also encourage you to do better next time.
C is to Collaborate Collaboration with other students helps you to engage more on the text you are reading. It helps you to achieve your target scores every time you are practicing your reading comprehension skills.
H is for Help. Helping your friends and classmates who are struggling in reading comprehension is a must. It helps you to boost your confidence and to maintain your acquaintance with someone else.
Can't Help Falling In Love with...Books
Have you ever been in a situation where you are so excited to enter the bookstore and smell the books on the shelf? Have you ever felt that feeling where you can't help but read your book anywhere and anytime?
If your answers to those two questions is a "Yes.", then you are confirmed as a book lover! You fell in love with the books! Reading has this unique characteristic. It could make anyone fall in love with it in just a little time. Here are some things you need to know about the advantages of reading a book:
1. Reading books could make you grow. In terms of reading, you must know first how to read. Reading can push yourself to be familiarized with the unknown words that could lead you to be confused. Reading is about challenging yourself to exercise to achieve more than you did with your last book.
2. Reading books allow you to be a traveler. When you are reading the main character's point of view, you feel like you are him or her. In reading you might experience many roles in life. You are able to feel what the main character also feels. Reading books help us to divert ourselves into those tiring days of our lives and relax.
3. Reading books changes your perspective. Reading will help you experience life through the eyes of another. You can encounter different common situations in life. It doesn't mean that you should agree with the perspective of the person, it just offer you to kindly understand them.
4. Reading books improves your memory. Re-reading your favorite books or reading about frequent places will help us to remember the details of our own lives. It will remind us who are we, where we are and how we came here. This will lead us to reflect on ourselves.
5. Reading books will never make you feel alone. Anytime, your life will grow and change. It is tough and difficult to adapt those changes. While adjusting for the changes, books are there to give the companionship you will need.
6. Reading books brings life to others. If you are a book lover, you will have the chance to experience different moods while reading. Enormous amount of readers have stated that reading books give their life a purpose. It helped them to uplift their mood, to forget the painful reality of their lives.